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A Sincere THANK YOU to all....

Who have been with us on this long journey of discovery:

Hudson & Bess Allison and children

I am focused solely on completing this NON-fiction accounting, as well as detailing all the current events encountered on my own "real-time" journey of discovery researching this claim... Then soon after, will follow with the Screenplay based on this incredible saga.

Yes, ALL will be covered in MUCH detail once I publish!

It should be understood that I am not a third-party outsider, who is researching this  tragic tale for sensational purposes but, that it is my FAMILY story and  a very personal and emotional journey. 

As well as providing information as regards this story as it was actually unfolding, back in the day... and in ALL the many voices of the principals involved , from the volumes of original correspondence and documentation collected.

All involved in this quest are so grateful to everyone who has an interest in this incredible story and KNOW, we all feel a responsibility to you...

"To Get It Right."

As stated if there is anyone we have missed contacting or if ANYONE who has additional credible information to share as regards this story will care to come forward, we would be so appreciative of your assistance to simply...

TELL THE TRUTH after 100+ years!

 That is my, and ALL, involved on this incredible journeyONLY motivation.

We are making every effort to answer, as best we are able, all questions as concerns the incredible,   Loraine Allison/Loraine Kramer Saga...

The TRUE story of my dear, lovely, glamorous,

and oh so courageous Grandmother.

Helen Loraine Allison/Kramer

Helen Lorain Allison/Kramer


Debrina Woods

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